Weather in Chania by meteo, Crete – 7-day forecast, winds, minimum and maximum temperature and many more.
We have made an effort to collect on one page the weather in Chania of Crete from various meteorological stations with the possibility of forecasting up to 7 days to give you a general picture of the temperature in the prefecture of Chania.
Below is the weekly weather forecast for Chania by deo Chania concerning sunrise and sunset, day length, maximum and minimum temperature, wind speed and direction and humidity levels.
See: webcam Chania
Weather in Chania by meteo – 7 days forecast
Click here to see the weather in Chania if you don’t see it.
The above forecasts are for the city of Chania. Below, you will find a list of all weather stations from the meteorological station of Chania located in the prefecture of Chania with a 7-day forecast.
The list is from Meteo Chania
Map of beaches from Chania Meteo
The beach map shows 6-day forecasts for several beaches in Crete, with a time step of three hours. In addition to the primary meteorological conditions and the UV index, an indication of suitability for swimming is given in three grades: ideal conditions for swimming (green icon), swimming with minor problems due to wind and waves (orange icon) and problematic swimming (red icon). For the grading selection, the wind strength is taken into account, but also the orientation of the beach about the predicted wind direction.

Here is the weather forecast in Chania from freemeteo chania
Weather in Georgioupolis
καιρος χανια by windy
Weather and climate in Chania
The climate of Crete is an essential factor in shaping its attractiveness.
It is mild Mediterranean – dry thermal (high sunshine throughout the year, slight seasonal temperature variation and lack of extreme weather events).
Spring temperatures range in March from 8°C to 18°C, in April from 11°C to 22°C and in May from 14°C to 26°C.
In June, the average temperatures range from about 17°C to 30°C and during the rest of the summer, they range from 20°C to 33°C with maximum temperatures reaching up to 40°C. However, the warm atmosphere is tempered by the dilemmas.
Autumn, the mildest season in Crete and especially September, has the same temperatures as June, with average temperatures ranging from 18°C to 30°C. The weather is suitable for swimming in the sea.
In October, the temperature drops significantly, with an average temperature ranging from 16°C to 25°C, and in November, the temperature goes from 13°C to 21°C.
Winter is relatively mild, with average temperatures ranging from about 11°C to 17°C in December and dropping to 9°C to 15°C in the other months.
In general, eastern Crete is warmer than western Crete, the south side of the island is more generous than the north, the part of the west of Crete has more vegetation, and in the mountainous areas, the weather is cooler.
Note that during the winter, it snows in the mountains of Chania (White Mountains or Madares) but also at lower altitudes such as Omalos, Lakkous, Imvros etc. Rarely will you see snow in the city of Chania and near the beach.
Rainfall days are few, with the months with the most rainy days being: January (13.6), December (12.6), February (11.6), November (9.3), March (8.6), October (6.2), April (5.2), May (4.2), September (2.2), June (1.2), August (0.2) and July (0.1).
The ideal month in Chania Crete is July and especially the first ten days of the year when temperatures are suitable for the season, sunny and not too windy.
Average temperatures and rainfall
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